“The Manga Shakespeare workshop was stimulating and original – a marvellous way to bring Shakespeare’s Tempest to life for Y9 students. Manga artist Paul Duffield was inspirational.”
– Anne Walker, Allerton High School, Leeds
The Manga Shakespeare workshops offer students the chance to get a unique taste of telling Shakespeare’s stories in a contemporary medium. The flexible two-hour, split session format is ideal for Key Stages 3 & 4 and can be tailored to the ability and needs of each group.
• Enrich your teaching of Shakespeare
• Reward the gifted and talented in your school
• Enthuse reluctant readers
• Engage visually literate students through manga

Manga Shakespeare Artist-led Workshops (120 mins):
First session – a manga artist examines character, plot and staging using the Manga Shakespeare books, supported by exclusive interactive whiteboard resources. (60 mins)
Second session – a practical manga art workshop focusing on a set scene. The artist will demonstrate techniques and help students with character design / composition. (60 mins)

Manga Shakespeare Actor-led Workshops (120 mins):
First session – an actor deals with the play in performance and character work based on the Manga Shakespeare adaptation. (60 mins)
Second session – an actor uses group work to focus short performance on a set scene from the chosen play. (60 mins)

Manga Shakespeare Actor-led Interactive SATs Revision Lecture (120 mins):
This lecture requires a hall equipped with an AV projector. The actor-led lecture is fun, visually dynamic and engaging. It uses projected images
from the Manga Shakespeare series combined
with Promethean interactive and voting technology.
It provides a memorable and effective revision session for up to 100 students focused on the KS3 set sections of The Tempest or Romeo & Juliet to be examined in 2009.
Artist-led Workshop for 16 students, £610
(includes 16 books worth £128)
Actor-led Workshop for 30 students, £705
(includes 30 books worth £240)
Actor-led Interactive Lecture for 100 students £1500 (includes 100 books worth £799)
*A copy of the relevant manga for each participant is included in the workshop cost. Workshop costs exclude VAT where applicable and travel expenses for the workshop leader, which are charged at cost. If your school already has sufficient copies of the manga title under study, substitutions can be made from other titles in the series.
To book, please contact Sam Humphrey:, 020 7383 5157